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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Zuiko and Picnik


I have been using the Picnik software in for quite a while.

And, I love it.

There are so many effects that can be used to make the picture more alive and stand out. Or quickly get some special effects that require hours using Photoshop, rather.

E-5 with Zuiko Digital ED7-14mm F4.0
7mm, f/5.6, 1/1600s, ISO200, -0.3ev

From the original picture, I crop it from 4:3 into 16:9 to give the cinematic effect. Then, changed the tonal and focal impact using the Orton Effect filter and added vignetting to the sides to emphasize more on the central subject.

That's all to it... Well, other than using a super-duper ultra-wide lens, that is!!

i.Zuiko and Contrasting Flowers


This was taken quite a while ago. I was embraced with the contrasting colors of the flowers and grass. The brown leaf gave a contradiction of colors to the whole composition, which to me added some dimension to the image.

XZ-1 with 6mm, f/3.5, 1/800s, ISO100

i.Zuiko at the Pediatrician's


What I like about pediatricians is that they provide play areas for the kids while waiting for treatment. And usually, the play areas are filled with strong colors.

11mm (25mm 4/3 equiv.), f/2.0, 1/13s, ISO200, PopArt filter

My wife and I always frequent this clinic at SS19 Subang Jaya because the doctor has excellent injection skills. So, whenever jabs are due, this is the place. His touch is very delicate for quite a large man, and both of us are quite amazed, actually.

i.Zuiko and Kucing Longkangan


Well, it has a been a while since I posted my last entry. I am kind of busy with things lately, not much chance to pick up the camera and shoot.

Somehow, one day, I managed to make this shot.

24mm (56mm 4/3 equiv.), f/2.5, 1/80s, ISO200

What I liked most about this picture was the tone. The bright sky with the evening sun blocked by the row of houses provided a beautiful tonal rendition that was begging to be taken.

I was in the midst of finding a subject to shoot in such a situation, and suddenly the cat jumped into the drain. Rummaging through the scraps, it searched in vain to find food. I took a couple of shots, and to me this pose was just the one I was looking for.